Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Over the past few weeks I have been able to get quite a bit of my passion project done and have been able to learn about some painting techniques that have made my model b-24 look satisfyingly real on the interior. I wanted my model to look like a used bomber with experience,  not a new one in pristine condition. In order to do this I decided it would be necessary to make the interior look slightly worn. Hear are a few pictures of the areas I painted to get this look:

In order to get this effect I looked into certain modeling techniques and ended up creating the look by using a sort of dry brush technique.  In order to get the interior to look like some of the paint had worn off I simply aplied aluminum paint to my brush and removed nearly all of it before lightly brushing it over the subject areas in order to ensure a very light coat that didn't get full coverage in order to get a nice worn effect.  I used the same technique for the exhaust stains behind the engines but had to hand mix aluminum and flat black paint to get the desired color.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am impressed with the detail that you have put into this model
