Monday, April 21, 2014

Unfortunately I have found that it is much more difficult to find the specific model paints necessary to building my model       B-24 than I previously thought.  I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to find a store in Winnipeg that carries an extensive enough variety of paints to meet my needs,  but have so far been unsuccessful.  I thought that the craft store Michaels would be my best bet to get the paints I need but was disappointed at their lack of selection, which contained none of the paints I needed. While I will continue to look for stores in Winnipeg,  I may need to resort to ordering the paints I need online. While I would probably be able to find these paints online I really don't want to have to wait for them to ship, as  I really need to get started soon, but unfortunately this may be my only option.

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried:

    54 Arthur Street, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3B 1G7
    Phone: (204) 956-2195

    Cellar Dweller
    1560 Main Street
    Winnipeg, Manitoba

    Cellar Dwellar is probably your best shot. If you scroll down this page, you'll see a picture of their model paint selection. it looks pretty decent. Sorry that I can't (or don't know how) to link html in a comment.
